Hey Gang,
As you may or may not know already, issue #6 of Crime Factory is Live!!
It's 200 pages of awesome and the line up is huge, so I hope you check it out right HERE
I also wanted to drop our future contributors and individuals whose stories we've already accepted a quick note regarding issue #6 and future issues.
First off, we're trying to publish as frequently as we can and we appreciate your patience regarding seeing your story in Crime Factory. We obviously love your work, otherwise we wouldn't have accepted it.
However, I will say we are working with a sizable backlog of stories. In fact, most of the stories in issue #6 were accepted over a year ago and when we're putting together an issue, we tend to prioritize those that have been in the hopper the longest.
Plus, I don't know if anyone has noticed, but each issue is growing larger and larger, and the reason for this is we want to get these stories out into the world, but once again, I do want to urge you to be patient.
But, if you do have concerns regarding your accepted story, please feel free to contact me personally at: rawsonkeith (at) gmail dot com. I will get back to you in a timely manner.
Please only contact me if you have an ACCEPTED story, not a query.
Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys the issue.
-Keith Rawson, publisher, Crime Factory Magazine
What also should be mentioned is why we're behind. Without being all boo-hoo, Keith, Liam and I all had a pretty rough time in the tail end of 2010, and we've all had a frantic 2011. I could bore you with personal stories but I won't. We're doing the best we can and we're catching up, trust me on that. I started issue 7 edits last week. We have parts of issues through 10 slotted and filled. I appreciate everyone's patience, but better late than shit.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope those frantic times are behind you - we're all certainly behind you guys. You're putting out a major league production guys and it's better to keep up the quality rather than rush. And I've said it before, but I'm pleased as rum punch to be with you at last. Awesome.
What Nigel said.